09 May 2012

Looking for Someone?

If you'd like to see my full list of Newcombs and connected individuals, it's available for free at the Rootsweb WorldConnect Project in a database called rkwest.

If you'd like to get help from the larger Newcomb community, send me an email using the link on this blog. I'll post your inquiry on the blog so that it can be found and responded to by anyone who might have relevant information.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have a Charles Clifton Newcomb that is on your list. He married Mary Aveline Dean. Her father is Philip Estes Dean. Mother Mary Lee Shuler. Charles and Mary are Michael Lynn Newcombs mother and father. Michael married Billie Mae Sorrells. They have two children, Michael Bryan Newcomb and Michele Lynn Newcomb. Please email me if you would like more info. winnie7391@yahoo.com. Gwen Mueller/Cresswell


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