13 January 2011

George Mosby Newcomb's Parents

A reader named Alan Kenneth Newcomb wrote:

George Mosby or Mosley Newcomb was born near Halifax, Virginia in about 1861-1862 and married Virginia Smith Nininger in Roanoke, Virginia Methodist Chutch 19 Feb 1885. I have been unable to determine who his parents were although one possibility was a Henry Newcomb from Birch Creek. His oldest son, Ernest, claimed that his grandparents were George Henry Newcomb and Molly Sled. I can find no trace of these two.


  1. Do you know if George had any siblings?

  2. Alan Kenneth NewcombJanuary 14, 2011

    Mary shows on the 1870 census as being born in 1865. Again this is the Birch Creek location.

  3. (Here is a George Mosby Newcomb who died in Missouri in 1916)
    Per Death Cert
    George Mosby Newcomb
    B 12/26/1861 (Albermarle Co., VA)
    D 5/20/1916 (Republic, MO)

    Father: Henry Newcomb (B VA)
    Mother: M Mosby (B VA)

    Informant: E. H(?). Newcomb


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