B.M. Newcomb wrote:
Mr. Newcomb is a lawyer; received his collegiate education at Ludington, Mich., 1873-81, after which he entered the law department at Columbian (now George Washington) University and received the degree of LL.B. in 1891, and LL.M. in 1892.
In 1882, he entered the railroad service with Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, as clerk in general offices; was with the Interstate Commerce Commission 1888-95; chief transportation section, division statistics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1895-99; expert chief, division of Agriculture, U.S. Census, 1899-1901; editor "Railway World", 1901-02; lecturer on Statistics, Columbian University, 1896-1901; on counsel for Philadelphia and Reading Coal & Iron Co. before Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, 1902-03, and was employed by Commission on Interstate Commerce of U.S. Senate to digest testimony taken by the Commission prior to enactment of Hepburn Law and report on points not covered by testimony; senior member of law firm, Newcomb & Frey, 1907-22; General Solicitor for the Delaware and Hudson Co. 1922-; fellow A.A.A.S., Am. Statis. Assn., Royal Statis. Soc.; member Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Am. Polit. Science Assn.
Mr. Newcomb was the author of "Railway Economics", 1898, "The Postal Deficit", 1900; also many articles on legal questions, railways, trusts, public ownership, labor problems, civil service, etc., in leading magazines and reviews.
From <i>Colonial Families in the U.S.</i>:
Harry Turner Newcomb was educated at Ludington, Mich.; graduate of the Law Dept. Columbian Univ. 1891 LL.M.; with Chi. Mi. & St. Paul R.R. 1882; Interstate Commerce commission 1888-95; U.S. Dept. Agriculture 1895-99; Expert Chief Div. of Agriculture U.S. Census 1899-1901; Editor "Railway World" 1901-02; lecturer on Statistics, Columbina Univ. 1896-1901; Counsel for Phila. & Reading Coal Co. before Anthracite Coal Strike commission 1902-03; Fellow (formerly V.P. Sect. Social Econ. Science) A.A.A.S.; Fellow Am. Statist. Soc., Royal Statist. Soc.; member Council Am. Econ. Assn., Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science.
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