28 November 2010

Harris Alexander Newcomb

Harris Alexander Newcomb (b. 24 Nov 1858) was married first to Hattie Estelle Lee and second to Mary Clista Randall. B.M. Newcomb said that Harris's first wife, Hattie, died in 1896, and that he had five children with her, the last being Roxie, born in 1895. According to BMN, Harris had three children with his second wife, Mary, the first being Charles, born in 1898. However, the 1900 and 1910 censuses both indicate that Harris and Mary were married around 1888, and that she was the mother of seven of his children, starting with Mabel, who was born around 1888.


  1. Deborah BelsingerMarch 30, 2013

    Harris was married first to Hattie Estelle Lee on 5 Sep 1883 and had a daughter, Hattie Lee, born in 1886. Hattie Estelle died in January 1896. Harris then married Mary Clista Randall in 1897 and had children Mabel, Luther, Harris, Roxy, Charles, Bertha and Herbert,


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