Here is what B.M. Newcomb wrote:
Dr. Newcomb was educated in the public schools of New London, Conn., graduating as a valedictorian of the first class from Bulkeley High School; for a year engaged in business with his father; then entered Yale, graduating, B.A., 1880; graduated, 1883, among the first ten of a very large class, from College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, New York city; then for eighteen months intern at Roosevelt Hospital, NY, where he later was a member of the permanent staff - consulting laryngologist to the hospital; chief of the nose and throat clinic, physician to the training school for nurses, member of the Roosevelt Hospital Alumni Association. At the time of his death he had complete thirty years' service to the hospital. When Medical Department of Cornell University was established in 1898, Dr. Newcomb was made clinical instructor in laryngology; June 1909, assistant professor and placed at head of department of diseases of nose and throat. For many years chief of Nose and Throat Clinic, Demilt Dispensary; physician at the Home for the Indigent and Destitute Blind, New York city; at one time lecturer on materia medica, New York Veterinary College; lecturer of Society for Instruction in First Aid to the Injured; one of the Sanitary Inspectors, New York Board of Health; for several years lecturer on laryngology, Columbia College. His private practice was successful from the start, and he gradually specialized in diseases of the nose and throat. For eleven years secretary, American Laryngological Association, then president, 1911. He was also a member of N.Y. Acad. Med.; Am. Acad. Med.; N.Y. Med. Soc.; Greater N.Y. Med. Soc.; Hosp. Graduates' Club; Am. Med. Soc.; life member, New London Co. (Conn.) Hist. Soc.; trustee, Calvary Bap. Chh., New York city, for many years, also, treasurer. He was editor of the American edition of Grunswald's Atlas of Diseases of the Mouth, Pharynx and Nose; co-author with Burnett and Ingals of "Diseases of the Nose and Throat"; contributor to Wood's Reference Hand-Book of Medical Sciences and to Twentieth Century Medicine. Dr. Newcomb was also interested in the propaganda against tuberculosis and was a member of the Medical Board and one of the examining physicians for Stony Wold Sanitorium. He left one thousand dollars to Calvary Church; three hundred dollars for a foundation, income to be given as annual prize in English composition, Bulkeley School; books and pamphlets on rhinology and laryngology to Dr. Swain of New Haven; rest of medical library to New York Academy of Medicine; residue of estate to Mrs. Newcomb.
This is from <i>The American Biographical Library</i>:
Doctor James Edward Newcomb, a talented physician who stood at the head of his profession. He was valedictorian of his class at Buckley School; was graduated at Yale in 1880; and ranked among the first ten of his class at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University), where he was graduated M.D. in 1883. Having served as intern at Roosevelt Hospital, he entered the Department of Laryngology of that institution. Later he became Laryngologist of Roosevelt Hospital; about the same time he was appointed Professor of Laryngology at the Cornell Medical College, New York City, serving in that capacity until the time of his death on August 27, 1912. For many years he was Secretary of the American Laryngological Association, and he was an active fellow of many other medical organizations, as well as of philanthropic societies. He was also prominent in the field of medical literature. As Editor of The Transactions of the American Laryngological Association, and he was an active fellow of many other medical organizations, as well as of philanthropic societies. He was also prominent in the field of medical literature.
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