21 July 2007

Harold & Mildred Newcomb Family

A reader wrote the following:

I'm wondering if any of my family members are a part of this forum? My Grandparents were Harold & Mildred Newcomb of Stockton, California. My father was Harold Gene Newcomb of Las Vegas, Nevada. I have living uncles, Dwight and Douglas Newcomb, one living aunt, Elaine Kelling, and deceased aunts, Carol and Marilyn. Most of my family lived in the Stockton California area. If anyone has any connection, I would love to hear from you. My Grandma has left behind a hand written account of our genealogy that dates back to the 1800's. I'd love to meet others who are part of my heritage.

Thanks for taking time to read this!
Regina A. (Newcomb) Ward
Las Vegas, Nevada


  1. Welcome to the forum. I'd be interested to know how your family connects to Newcomb line.

  2. you posted a long time ago, but I am a grandson of harold and mildred. moved from vegas at 10 years old with big d and my mother.

  3. emily_dusty_5July 26, 2008

    We live in Manitowoc, Wisconsin and our sister moved into a house on Park street. she found Mildred Newcombs postcard collection. The postcards were addressed to New York so we don't know if you are the same people. Their names are Harold and Mildred their sons name was Don. Email us at waymat2@gmail.com


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